Beware of Online Pet Scams: How to Protect Yourself
Learn about three common Facebook scams targeting pet lovers and community pages: fake pet sales, lost pet like-farming, and the “failed friend request” trap. Protect yourself and others.
Anisocoria in Cats: A Closer Look at Your Cat’s Eyes
Learn about anisocoria in cats – a condition where one pupil is larger or smaller than the other. Explore causes, symptoms, and treatments.
How Cats Understand Their World
Discover how cats perceive the world through their exceptional senses of hearing, smell, and touch. Gain insight into their unique perspective and understanding of their surroundings.
Sterilization Vouchers for Feral Cats
Database of providers of vouchers and low-cost spay/neuter for feral cats. Learn how these vouchers, provided by animal welfare organizations, assist in the cost of spaying or neutering feral cats.
Splash or Scratch: The Ultimate Guide to Bathing Your Cat
Learn the purrfect way to bathe your feline friend and keep them happy and clean. Tips and tricks for a stress-free and enjoyable experience.
Purrfectly Pampered: Spoiling Your Cat with Love and Luxury
Discover enchanting ways to shower your fur baby with love, treats, and all the whimsical joys that will make their little hearts soar with happiness.
The Insatiable Curiosity of Cats
Have you ever wondered why cats are so curious? Unlock the mysteries of your cat’s curious nature. Learn the science and benefits of why cats are so inquisitive.
The Graceful and Curious Abyssinian
A rare and ancient breed, the Abyssinian cat is known for its unique looks and playful personality. Learn more here!