Cat Health

Sick Kitty?

Pest Care for Cats: Preventing Parasites for Your Feline Friend

It’s true that the mention of many of these creatures might make us shudder in disgust, but parasite control is a major part of your cat’s healthcare.

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Mo - Cat Killer

Serial Cat Killer On The Loose In Houston, Texas

If you live in Houston, Texas, in the Timbergrove or Lazybrook neighborhoods near the Heights, you need to watch your cats like a hawk, and don’t let them out at night! A serial cat killer has killed over 25 cats in the area since 2008, with a dozen of them being killed this year alone. Police […]

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Electra the Cat

Wobbly Cat Syndrome

There are many reasons that a cat might walk like they are drunk, but it could be Cerebellar Hypoplasia, or what is more commonly known as Wobbly Cat Syndrome or Drunk Cat Syndrome.

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Lonely Cat

Cats In The City – Only One Per Household?

Dr. Sarah Ellis, an animal behaviorist, thinks one cat per household is the perfect number, and that more than one makes life hard on cats.

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Doctor and Patient Cats

Should You Get Pet Insurance For Your Cat?

Deciding whether or not to buy pet insurance is up to you and your family. Not having pet insurance doesn’t mean you don’t care for your pet.

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Cats and Plants

Houseplants and Cats

People who own cats and also enjoy the presence of plants in their home would benefit greatly from learning which plants are toxic to cats.

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Feline Leukemia

Feline Leukemia

The Feline Leukemia virus (FeLV) is a highly contagious, easily spread disease among cats that weakens their immune system. Learn the symptoms.

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Stockings the Cat

A New Lease on Life for Stockings the Kitty

Stockings was born with severely deformed back legs and would most likely have been euthanized. See who saved him and how he’s doing now.

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Declawing Your Cat

Should I Declaw my Cat?

Scratches and ruined furniture can cause quite a riff between cat and owner, but let’s take a look at what having your cat declawed entails.

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