Great Christmas News!

Just heard some news that made our Christmas brighter! Jill, from Seattle, was looking for a kitten to give her son for Christmas. She asked if we were in her area and had any kittens for sale. Since we’re in the Midwest, we couldn’t help.

Cats Sold Out

The Good News?

Jill checked all her local shelters and found that all their kittens were SOLD OUT! They say it’s “kitty season”.


Sorry, Not Sorry!

We’re really, really sorry that Jill’s son won’t get a furry little bundle of joy for Christmas, but we’re not sorry to hear that all the homeless kittens in the Seattle area found a home for Christmas! We just hope that there were some adult cats that found a furrever home, too.  And that this has happened, not just in Seattle, but everywhere!

Just remember, if you are adopting a kitten or cat for Christmas, it’s a lifelong commitment (the life of the kitty) to their care and well-being. But it’s a commitment that is well-worth it!

Merry Christmas to all!


Jill’s boyfriend found a 9 week old kitty on Craig’s List, so her son will have a Merry Christmas after all!


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Sinbad the Cat
Rescue and Adoption

Kitty Rescued From Five Pounds of Matted Fur

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Cat in a Manger
Just For Fun

Away In A Manger


  1. Reply

    Update! Jill’s boyfriend found a 9 week old kitty on Craig’s List, so her son will have a Merry Christmas after all!

  2. Reply

    I hope none of the babies ever come back, because they got loving, caring homes..Merry Christmas!!

  3. Reply

    Great news if they are loving homes & none come back after Christmas.

  4. Reply

    I agree! If you click over to the post on the website, I wrote that this is a lifelong committment, for the life of the kitty.

  5. Reply

    Awesome news

  6. Reply


  7. Reply

    You have it well said, for much more, check

  8. Reply

    Thanks so much for that<3

  9. Reply

    +1 from me 🙂 <3

  10. Reply

    I adore this so much! 🙂 <3

  11. Reply

    Cool post thanks really good more on pets please

  12. Reply

    I love cats! Looking for some cat friends, Please send me a friends request

  13. Reply

    That’s quite a post to share

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