
Kitten Drinking from a Bottle

[Video] How to Bottle Feed an Orphaned Kitten

This adorable little kitten is holding his own bottle, just like a hooman baby would do! If you need to know how to bottle feed a kitten, this video will show you how.

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Sinbad the Cat

Kitty Rescued From Five Pounds of Matted Fur

When someone reported a cat that looked as though he was “dragging a carpet”, rescuers found Sinbad bound by 5 pounds of matted fur.

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Cats Sold Out

Great Christmas News!

Just heard some news that makes our Christmas brighter! Jill, from Seattle, was looking for a kitten to give her son for Christmas.

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Cat in a Manger

Away In A Manger

Let’s see, Mary – check. Joseph – check. Baby Jesus – check. All three of the Wisemen – check. A cow- check. A giant black cat – check…what??? I don’t remember a cat being in that story….

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Cats in the Military

Cats in the Military – Who Knew?

It is often overlooked that cats have a long standing history, dating back thousands of years, as military animals.

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April the Kitten

Little Kitty Survives Being Thrown Out Of A Moving Car

You may have heard the story of a little kitten that was thrown out a moving car in Florida when she was just three weeks old. We are not going into what kind of heartless humans were at the wheel of that car; we are however, going to thank the stars that that little kitty is […]

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Debby loves cats

Crazy Cat Lady Chapter 1: The Origin

You think YOU love cats? This girl loves cats so much it’s making her cry, while she’s trying to make a video for eHarmony!

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Sweet Kitten in the Grass

Up Next – It’s Kitten Season

This is the time of the year when litter after litter of homeless kittens and pregnant cats come pouring in to the shelters, and shelters scramble to accommodate them all.

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Corduroy Cat

Catch Up with Corduroy: The World’s Oldest Cat

The handsome Corduroy, now known as the oldest living domestic cat by Guinness World Records, has lived up to the grand old age of 26.

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