Most cats have a natural aversion to visiting the vet, as it’s usually done under unpleasant circumstances. However, as this is a necessary part of the cat’s life, some measures should be taken to make it as easy as possible, for both the owner and the cat.
Getting To The Vet’s Office
First, unless your cat is one of the very few that actually like riding in a car, you’re probably going to be transporting the cat in a pet carrier. Measures should be taken to try and get the cat to refrain from associating the carrier only with visits to the vet. This is because the prospect of visiting the vet is never an enjoyable one in the cat’s mind. Therefore, taking the cat out in the pet carrier for less stressful reasons will help to confuse the cat sufficiently, so that it doesn’t associate the carrier only with vet visits.
Cats often find the carrier confining, which leads to their natural dislike and aversion towards it. Adding a favorite toy in with the cat may help to eliminate some of the stress the cat undergoes while being confined to such a small place. Placing a cloth over the carrier when in transit will also help to reassure the cat and calm it down as the darkness will give it some sense of quiet and perhaps even encourage a nap.
Once You Get There
Taking the trouble to find a good and caring vet that is inclined to make the animal feel comfortable before actually starting the examination session is another thing to consider when it comes getting the cat calm and accepting. If the cat is comfortable, then it is less likely to squirm and create a fuss. This will also be less stressful for both the owner and the cat.
Some vets keep treats handy to try to get the cat to calm down and be more settled during the visit. Plus, most vets love animals anyway, and will automatically talk to and try to soothe your cat before working on him or her.
Do you have any tips or tricks for making visits to vet easier? Let us know in the comments below!