Low-Cost Spay and Neuter Program at the Valley Oak SPCA

Here’s another SPCA offering a low-cost spay and neuter program. The Valley Oak SPCA of Visalia, California will spay and neuter your cats (and dogs) for just $25, beginning December 6th. And feral cats that are part of a TNR program can be fixed for just $15.

Annie the Cat

2023 UPDATE: Prices have changed. Please visit http://visaliaferalcatcoalition.org/ for the current information on getting feral cats fixed. Scroll down to the section “TNR Vouchers”. Also check “Fix Finders” database below.

Visalia Feral Cat Coalition offers TNR Vouchers for getting feral/community cats spayed/neutered with a $30 copay. The cats need to be living on their own in order to qualify for the program and the ear will be tipped. We also loan traps, on a first come first serve basis.

We wish we could help all cats, but we are focused on feral/community cats. We don’t have the funds to pay for spaying and neutering non-feral/community cats. We are all volunteers and 100% donation dependent, so we are very limited on what we can do.

Here are their current prices for fixing non-feral cats:


Spay $100
Neuter $75

If you live in a different area, or even a different state, you can check this database of organizations and veterinarians that offer vouchers or low-cost spay/neuter services. It can be found at Community Cats United in the FixFinder database. 

As the Visalia Times-Delta reports:

If you could do just one thing to help save the lives of thousands of animals, would you do it? That one thing is spaying or neutering your pet.

I think this would apply especially to a feral cat, as they can quickly reproduce hundreds more kittens (exponentially – their kittens x their “grand” kittens, etc)

The Times-Delta also reports on many of the health benefits of having your pet spayed or neutered:

This simple surgical procedure prevents your pet from reproducing puppies or kittens and has other lifesaving benefits. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Reduces the number of unwanted pets
  • Helps dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives
  • Reduces or eliminates spraying or marking
  • Less desire to roam, therefore less likely to be injured in fights or auto accidents
  • Risk of testicular cancer is eliminated and decreases incident of prostate disease (in males)
  • Risk of mammary gland tumors, ovarian and/or uterine cancer is reduced or eliminated, especially if done before first heat cycle (in females)

So, if you live in the Visalia area, or know someone who does, be sure to take advantage of this great program, and get those fur babies spayed or neutered!

You can contact the Valley Oak SPCA here:

North Valley SPCA Logo

Valley Oak SPCA
29016 Highway 99
Visalia, CA 93277
(559) 651-1111

For more info on their program, including the days and hours is it available, check here: https://www.vospca.org/affordable-spay-neuter Oh, and the cutie in the picture at the top is “Annie”. As of this writing, she is available for adoption from the North Valley SPCA.

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  1. Reply


  2. Reply

    Never heard of such a cheep deal. WOW!

    • Rosa
    • September 8, 2023

    I need to know how to get vouchers to fix my Ferel so many females are getting pregnant, please

      • Kittens Whiskers
      • September 27, 2023

      Rosa, there is a site called Community Cats United, that has a “Fix Finders” Database. You can search in your area to see who is offering vouchers or lower-cost spay/neuter. https://fixfinder.org/directory-search/ If you don’t find anyone there, check this post for ideas on who to contact. https://kittenswhiskers.com/sterilization-vouchers-for-feral-cats/ – Look under “Local Organizations and Their Roles in Providing Vouchers”. Good luck and God Bless You! Let us know how it goes!

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