The folks over at PopKitten have a cute article showing pictures of cats when they were kittens, and as they are now. They also have a good piece of advice. They say that like all babies, our kittens grow up so fast, right before your eyes, and before your know it, they are grown. So you should not only enjoy every precious minute of their kitten-hood that you can, but you should get lots of pictures to remember it by.
And we agree. These are precious moments in your cat’s life, so why not preserve them? Here are a couple of the kitten-to-cat pictures from PopKitten:
So Little!

All Grown Up!
Adorable Fluffy Kitten
Fluffy Cat All Grown Up
How about creating something like a baby book, but for your kittens? You could write down their milestones, tell how they came to be part of your family, and sprinkle with lots of pictures! Your cat may not ever be able to read it, but you will!
Surf on over to PopKitten if you’d like to see more of these baby kitten-grown cat pictures. And visit our Facebook page to add your own! We’d love to see your furbabies’ befores and afters!
Really cute!
Our Tiny, he is much bigger now! (See pic above )
This is Bubbles all grown up with a baby of his own!
Great pics!
I have one of them Toys, very Cute . If you have a moment please have a look on my new page