Taylor Swift a crazy for cats lady? Who knew! Here’s a sneak preview of her new Diet Coke commercial that will start airing on Friday. It features her cat Olivia Benson (yes, just like Olivia Benson from Law and Order: SVU, aka Mariska Hargitay), who is now a star in her own right, and an apartment full of the cutest bunch of kittens ever!
You’ll also get to hear a little of her new song Perfect World that will be on her upcoming album “1989”, which is due to be released on October 27th. Watch for Taylor’s arm to pop out of the sea of fur, with an empty Diet Coke bottle in it, near the end. And then you’ll see Olivia Benson plugging the new album. What a cute kitty! Welcome to our club, Taylor 🙂
Taylor posted this image of herself and Olivia Benson on Instagram
she just earned more respect from me..Cats are God Blessing to us with their compassion and love they give us unconditionally….
love it