Cat Video
Wobbly Cat Syndrome
There are many reasons that a cat might walk like they are drunk, but it could be Cerebellar Hypoplasia, or what is more commonly known as Wobbly Cat Syndrome or Drunk Cat Syndrome.
Do Not Disturb!
No matter how many times the hooman opens the door to the cat carrier, kitty reaches up and grabs it and closes it back down.
See The Miracle of Birth
If you’ve never been lucky enough to witness the miracle of birth, here’s your chance.
Who Knew Taylor Swift Was A Crazy (for) Cat(s) Lady!?
Taylor Swift’s new commercial features her cat Olivia Benson (yes, just like Olivia Benson from Law and Order: SVU) and a huge cast of adorable kittens.
Pass The Cat Chow, Please
Let’s share this food. No, let’s not. It’s mine. No, it’s mine. Ok, but now it’s my turn. Now it’s mine. Hey, I wasn’t finished!
Too Cute Live Kitty Cam
See Bryce Harpurr, Jordan Zimmermeow, Kitten Strasburg, Adam LaROAR, and Whiskers Werth on the Too Cute Live Kitty Cam!
Amazing Bionic Legs for Oscar the Cat
Oscar the cat receives bionic legs after a horrible encounter with a harvesting machine.
Cat vs Dog. Place Your Bets Now!
It’s an age-old rivalry. Cats vs Dogs. Who is in charge of who? Who is the toughest? The baddest? Who RULES? This video may not settle the question once-and-for-all, but it will decide who rules between this pair. Place your bets now!