Cat Health

Electra the Cat

Wobbly Cat Syndrome

There are many reasons that a cat might walk like they are drunk, but it could be Cerebellar Hypoplasia, or what is more commonly known as Wobbly Cat Syndrome or Drunk Cat Syndrome.

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Loki the Blind Kitten

Loki, The Amazing Blind Kitten

Loki the kitten was found abandoned outside a restaurant, with a bad eye infection. His options were to be euthanized or to have his eyes surgically removed.

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Kitty with a bloated belly

Help! My Kittens Have Bloated Bellies

We want to wish Maka and Soul a speedy recovery of their health, and to thank Molly for taking them in and her brother-in-law for rescuing them! They are lucky kittens!

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Cat with Dumbbells

How To Keep Your Cat Fit and Trim

Like humans, cats need to eat right, and exercise regularly. It’s up to you to keep your cat active and fit, and here are some ways to do just that!

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Lonely Cat

Cats In The City – Only One Per Household?

Dr. Sarah Ellis, an animal behaviorist, thinks one cat per household is the perfect number, and that more than one makes life hard on cats.

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Doctor and Patient Cats

Should You Get Pet Insurance For Your Cat?

Deciding whether or not to buy pet insurance is up to you and your family. Not having pet insurance doesn’t mean you don’t care for your pet.

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World Lion Day

Happy World Lion Day 10th August 2014

Today, August 10 2014 is World Lion Day, a day to celebrate the regal and majestic lion.

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Paw Project Billboard

A Graphic Look at the Pain Caused by Declawing

Watch this video to see why Dr. Jennifer Conrad wants to make the declawing of cats illegal.

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Cats and Plants

Houseplants and Cats

People who own cats and also enjoy the presence of plants in their home would benefit greatly from learning which plants are toxic to cats.

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