Pest Care for Cats: Preventing Parasites for Your Feline Friend
It’s true that the mention of many of these creatures might make us shudder in disgust, but parasite control is a major part of your cat’s healthcare.
Explore the Outdoors: Leash Training Your Cat
Let’s take a look at how you can get your feline to not only accept a harness and leash, but learn to enjoy wearing them, too.
Have a Safe and Happy Easter!
The Easter Bunny will be coming around today with lots of Easter eggs and Easter candy for the kiddos, but there are a few things you should know about their safety when it comes to your other kiddos – your cats.
Kitties Loving The Spring Weather
Spring has sprung, fall has fell, winter’s here and it’s cold as..wait! That’s not right. Spring is here and the kitties are loving it. Just think of all the bugs there will be to chase!
Kitty is HUNGRY!
Have you ever been so darned hungry that you would fight tooth and nail for any food that was in front of you? Well, evidently this kitty is that hungry!
A Cute Conversation Between Two Cats
They say that cats’ meows are mostly their way of communicating with humans, but Stina and Mossy are definitely meowing to each other.
Kittens Seal the Deal on Marriage Proposal
You gotta love a guy who would make sure there were plenty of cute kitties around to help him pop the question!
Pet Me Now!
No matter what their hoomans are doing, when it’s time to get petted, it’s time to get petted!
Kittens at Play
There’s not much cuter than a couple of little kitties at play. Everything is new to them, and must be checked out!